****See attached Career Planner Guide

For this Assignment, you will create a Career Planner that you can use as you pursue your next professional role. 

To Prepare:

  • Review the Career Planner Guide.
  • Seek out resources on cover letters, resumes, and other professional resources, as needed. The Walden University Career Planning and Development site has information on many topics of relevance.
  • Develop a cover letter, resume, philosophy statement, and other professional resources that meet the requirements outlined in the Career Planner Guide.


Submit Cover Letter, Resume, Personal Philosophy Statement and Long/Short term goals.

** I also added my previous resume to help you with this project. 

NURS 6568: Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice of

Patients in Family Care Settings

Career Planner Guide

Your Nurse Practitioner Professional Career Planner is
due by Day 7 of Week 10. It is highly recommended that you begin planning and working on this Assignment as early in the quarter as is feasible for you. The following checklists outline all of the items you should include in your Career Planner. Additionally, the resources below have been provided to assist you in its development.

Refer to the Walden University Career Center website for resources and information on how to create cover letters, resumes, and professional portfolios. You may also choose to make certain portions of your Career Planner accessible online to members of your professional network or potential employers through platforms such as LinkedIn. Sharing on social media is a useful way to network for many, but it is not a requirement for this assignment.

Checklist for Cover Letter

Cover letters are typically tailored to individual jobs and companies. For this Assignment, you will select a job posting you would like to or could potentially apply for and create a cover letter for it. Your cover letter should be:

· Presented and formatted in professional business manner

· Addressed properly

· Clear and concise (no more than one page) and include:

· Content introduction

· Content body

· Content conclusion

· Written in a professional tone and include:

· Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

· Clear and accurate sentence structure

Checklist for Resume

Your resume should be clear, concise, and well organized, and it should also include your:

· Name, location (city/town and state), business phone number, and email address (centered at top of resume)

· Objective: 2–3 sentences describing your goal/objective for employment

· Certifications & licenses

· Education

· Professional experience

· Honors/Awards (as applicable)

Checklist for Portfolio

Your Portfolio should be clear, concise, and well organized, and it should also include your:

· Personal philosophy statement (1-page)

· Personal goals (short term and long term)

· Self-assessment

The following items do not have to be submitted but should be available on request for employers:

· Achievements

· Letters of recommendation (2)

· References (list names, affiliation, and contact information) (3)

· Certifications and licenses

· Prior degrees

· Transcripts (Note: An unofficial transcript will meet this requirement.)

· Certificates of attendance for continuing education

· Publicatio

6471 Main street apt 303 • miami, FL 33014

Phone 305-498-8355 • E-mail [email protected]

Jadiam Lopez


Seeking a challenging position that provides me with the opportunity to apply my skills of reacting well under stress.


04/2021 – 08/2023 Walden University


04/2020 – 04/2021 Aspen University


04/2016 – 03/2018 Fortis College


04/2005- 02/2007 Medical Florida Training Institute


08/1997 – 1999 Hialeah High school

High School Diploma

Professional experience

11/2019 – present Anthem

Utilization Nurse

Review admission, and provide correct criteria for Obs versus Inpatient

Work collaboratively with doctors and case managers

Manage multiple cases simultaneously, prioritizing needs continually

07/2019 – 11/2019 Memorial West

Register Nurse (ER)

Quickly and accurately assess patient care needs

Work collaboratively with doctors and staff to provide exceptional care

Perform all requested diagnostic tests

Manage multiple cases simultaneously, prioritizing needs continually

07/2018 – 04/2020 Larkin Hospital (Palm Springs)

Register Nurse (ER)

Quickly and accurately assess patient care needs

Work collaboratively with doctors and staff to provide exceptional care

Perform all requested diagnostic tests

Manage multiple cases simultaneously, prioritizing needs continually

11/2015 – 10/2020 Complia Health

Project Manager

Manage home health software accounts, oversee software implementation

04/2014 – 12/201

Jadiam Lopez

6471 Main Street Apt 302

Miami Lakes, FL. 33014

June 22, 2020

To whom it may concern:

I am pleased to provide your company with a brief introduction of my past experiences. I am confident that I possess the experience necessary to work in an acute setting due to my experiences while overseas in Iraq as a firefighter, EMS and ER as an RN (BLS, ACLS, PALS, CPR).

Some specific accomplishments include:

ER-Nurse at Larkin (Palm Springs) since (06/2018 – 04/2020)

ER-Nurse at Memorial West (07/2020-11/2020)

ADN (RN) as of 05/31/2018. (currently enrolled for my BSN)

1 year (2017-2018) working with Behavior Health at Larkin Hospital as MHT.

2.5 years of duty in Iraq as a firefighter/EMT.

Over 10 years of BLS experience as an EMT with various fire departments. (Ocean Reef, Key Largo, Ar-Ramadi, and Baghdad IRAQ)

I believe a relationship with your company would be mutually beneficial, as I am seeking a challenging work environment where I can utilize my skills of working under pressure to the fullest extent. I look forward to hearing from you, and would love to explain my skills further in an interview. I have attached my resume for your convenience.


Jadiam Lopez