See attached documents

Midterm Evaluation of Student

Students are required to initiate a mid-conference that will occur during Topic 5, using the “Practice Experience Conference Form (Mid-Conference)” resource. This conference is intended for the student, preceptor, and faculty to discuss progress toward meeting the learning goals and course objectives contained in the Individual Success Plan (ISP). Progress toward completing the written capstone project will also be discussed, including faculty recommendations for project development. Student progress will be documented on the Clinical Evaluation Tool (CET), which is submitted in LoudCloud prior to the conference. The CET will be discussed during the mid-conference and graded in LoudCloud by the faculty after the mid-conference. If the student receives an “Unacceptable” or “Below Expectations” in any category, the student will remediate for that category of the CET.

Clinical Practice Experience Remediation

The preceptor will perform a midterm evaluation with the faculty. The preceptor will input the evaluation content into the Lopes Activity Tracker. The student will upload the evaluation into LoudCloud after meeting with the preceptor to discuss the midterm evaluation.

Students must meet all clinical expectations of the course, earn a passing grade on all benchmark assignments, and successfully complete remediation (if necessary) in order to receive a passing grade in the NRS-493 course.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Strategic Plan Summary

Assess the culture of the organization for potential challenges in incorporating the nursing practice intervention. Use this assessment when creating the strategic plan.

Write a 150-250 word strategic plan defining how the nursing practice intervention will be implemented in the capstone project change proposal.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Practice Experience Conference (Mid- Conference)

Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below.  In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission.

1. New practice approaches

2. Interprofessional collaboration

3. Health care delivery and clinical systems

4. Ethical considerations in health care

5. Practices of culturally sensitive care

6. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

7. Population health concerns

8. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes

9. Health policy

10. Leadership and economic models

11. Health disparities

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Strategic Plan Summary

Assess the culture of the organization for potential challenges in incorporating the nursing practice intervention. Use this assessment when creating the strategic plan.

Write a 150-250 word strategic plan defining how the nursing practice intervention will be implemented in the capstone project change proposal.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Practice Experience Conference Form (Mid-Conference)

Pre-/mid-/ and post- conference or evaluation between students, faculty, and preceptors are mandatory for students enrolled in the RN-BSN Capstone and Practicum course. Conferences may be conducted face-to-face or via synchronous technology.

Overall Course Objectives


This course provides students the opportunity to integrate what they have learned in the program in a practicum experience. Students are expected to integrate nursing knowledge, knowledge gained throughout the program, leadership, and advanced critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in the development of a comprehensive and professional capstone project change proposal.

Student Specific Objectives:
Students are responsible for completing all experiences as mandated for program.

will occur prior to the start of the clinical practice experience. This meeting is intended for the student and preceptor to review course and student-specific learning objectives: the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of student and preceptor during this practicum experience. All faculty and preceptor contact information will be given to each party per the student. Any course or program information requested by the preceptor will be provided by the student. Faculty will review submitted document.

will occur at the mid-point of the course. This meeting is intended for the student, faculty, and preceptor to discuss student progress toward meeting the competencies in the clinical evaluation tool (CET). Progress toward completing the written capstone project change proposal will also be discussed with faculty recommendations for project development

post-conference/evaluation will
occur at the end of the practicum experience. This is intended for the student and preceptor to review and evaluate all competencies and validate that all areas are “at meets expectations” prior to progression. Faculty will provide final review and evaluation after conferring with preceptor.

Proposed Practicum Experience (Brief Description of Experience Identified by Student), Practicum goals/objectives reviewed in pre-meeting.

Preceptor contact information (email or phone): _______________________________________

Preceptor Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________

Review progress towards meeting goals/ object

NRS-493: Clinical Experience Remediation

Student Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________

Instructor: ______________________________

Preceptor: ________________________________

Clinical evaluations are submitted at the midterm conference and in the final week. Individualized remediation plans are a system of support to help students improve in the areas identified requiring improvement when performance is assessed against learning the learning objectives of the course. Students who receive a “Below Expectations” or “Unacceptable” on any competency on the midterm evaluation will be required to complete a remediation plan with their preceptor and submit this remediation form.

*Students must meet all clinical expectations of the course, earn a passing grade on all benchmark assignments, and successfully complete remediation (if necessary) in order to receive a passing grade in the NRS-493 course.

1. Remediation must be completed prior to the end-date of Topic 7. Competency areas in need of remediation:




2. My remediation plan (to be reviewed with faculty):

Frequency __________________

Needs Assessment

Go to the CDC using the link below and read the Community Health Assessment and Health Improvements Plan page. Click on the link Principles to Consider for the Implementation of a Community Health Needs Assessment Process and read the pdf document.

After reading the Principles to Consider for the Implementation of a Community Health Needs Assessment Process document. Choose one of the seven Principles to Inform Implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s Assessment Provisions discussing how your intervention speaks to that specific principle.

Community as Client

Go to the National Association of County and City Health Officials website and put community health assessment in the search bar. Read the Community Health Assessment and Planning page.

Submit a 500 word summary on how your project will build community relationships for health promotion based on the information you read.

Nursing Intervention

Click on the link below and review the article Use of the North American Nursing Diagnosi


Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-493 NRS-493-O501 Literature Evaluation Table 50.0
Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (75.00%) 3: Satisfactory (79.00%) 4: Good (89.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned
Content 100.0%
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article 5.0% Author, journal (peer-reviewed), and permalink or working link to access article section is not included. Author, journal (peer-reviewed), and permalink or working link to access article section is present, but it lacks detail or is incomplete. Author, journal (peer-reviewed), and permalink or working link to access article section is present. Author, journal (peer-reviewed), and permalink or working link to access article section is clearly provided and well developed. Author, journal (peer-reviewed), and permalink or working link to access article section is comprehensive and thoroughly developed with supporting details.
Article Title and Year Published 5.0% Article title and year published section is not included. Article title and year published section is present, but it lacks detail or is incomplete. Article title and year published section is present. Article title and year published section is clearly provided and well developed. Article title and year published section is comprehensive and thoroughly developed with supporting details.
Research Questions (Qualitative) or Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes or Aim of Study 10.0% Research questions (qualitative) or hypothesis (quantitative), and purposes or aim of study section is not included. Research questions (qualitative) or hypothesis (quantitative), and purposes or aim of study section is present, but it lacks detail or is incomplete. Research questions (qualitative) or hypothesis (quantitative), and purposes or aim of study section is present. Research questions (qualitative) or hypothesis (quantitative), and purposes or aim of study section is clearly provided and well developed. Research questions (qualitative) or hypothesis (quantitative), and purposes or aim of study section is comprehensive and thoroughly developed with supporting details.
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) 5.0% Design (type of quantitative, or type of qualitative) section is not included. Design (type of quantitative, or type of qualitative) section is present, but it lacks detai