Bullying prevention is a growing research field that investigates the complexities and consequences of bullying.  There is also a complex relationship between bullying and suicide.  

Visit http://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/index.html and identify resources for preventing bullying

and assisting children who have been bullied.

I just attached two discussions to make a reply to each one. Each reply should include 200 words and a minimum of two references in APA 7 format within the last 5 years.

Plagiarism must be less than 10 % 

Peer 1, Denise:

 Bullying in childhood is classified as a significant public health problem by the WHO and influences the increase in health problems, social relationships, and educational difficulties in childhood and adolescence. Bullying comes in different types, frequencies, and levels of aggression. Bullying is repeated victimization within an imbalanced power relationship, ranging from teasing and name-calling to physical, verbal, and social abuse. Bullying victims isolate themselves, becoming introspective and less able to defend themselves, leaving them vulnerable to psychological suffering. Many studies have been published in recent decades and have revealed the consequences of childhood bullying during adult life. Researchers have found evidence that bullying in childhood and adolescence leads to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies. (Armitage, R., 2020)

A new type of bullying growing among children and adolescents is cyberbullying. This form of aggression occurs through social media and interactions in online chat groups. A profound characteristic of this modality is the creation of permanent content. For example, when a photo or a malicious comment is posted on the internet, access to it becomes permanent if not reported and withdrawn, which may affect the individual’s access to college and employment in the future. In addition, aggression can be considered permanent, as the victim is exposed to social networks 24 hours a day, never finding relief. Last but not least, it is a type of bullying that is difficult for parents or teachers to perceive, as it occurs in a virtual environment to which many adults do not have access. (federal government website, n.d.)

Identifying or suspecting that a child is being bullied requires the attention of parents, teachers, school nurses, and all health professionals who care for the child. Behavioral changes such as embarrassment to speak, social isolation, constant sadness, low self-esteem, and physical symptoms such as abdominal pain, headache, and malaise can be manifestations of the victim of bullying. Preparing parents, teachers, and health professionals to identify these signs is essential. The early identification of the victim makes it possible to interrupt the process and prevents the emergence of mental illnesses in the future, as well as preventing suicide in adolescence. (Koyanagi, A. et al., 2019) Several local, national, and online entities and organizations work hard to prevent and counsel bullying victims. For example, Ditch the Label and the Anti-Bullying Alliance offer free support for bullied children, parents, teachers, and health professionals. (Armitage, R., 2020) regarding cy