Thinking out loud

HCM 415 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Now that you have selected and carefully reviewed your case study, it is time to begin analyzing the situation the healthcare organization faces. In this
milestone, you will evaluate the issue it faces in light of its mission, vision, and values.

You will write a 2–4-page analysis of the organization’s strategic planning approaches. Be sure to address the following:

A. Based on its mission and vision statements, what can you discern about the organization’s approach to strategic planning? Be sure to provide specific
examples to justify your response.

B. What is the prevailing issue in question in the case study you selected?
C. What do you see as the overall strategic planning concerns for the healthcare organization with regard to this issue?
D. What role do you feel the healthcare manager plays in terms of strategic planning around this issue? Be sure to substantiate your claims.
E. Who are the key stakeholders affected by or involved in this issue, and what role do they serve in strategic planning within the organization?

Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be between 2 and 4 pages, not including cover page and references. This paper should be in APA format.

Critical Element Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Overview Meets “Proficient” criteria and
expertly balances brevity with
required detail

Provides a brief summary of the
selected case study, including
the organization’s mission and

Provides a summary of the
selected case study, including
the organization’s mission and
vision, but response is verbose
or has gaps in required detail

Does not provide a summary of
the selected case study


Analysis: Approach Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws nuanced connections
between strategic planning and
organizational mission and

Logically discerns the
organization’s approach to
strategic planning based on its
mission or vision statements,
providing specific examples to
justify response

Discerns the organization’s
approach to strategic planning
based on mission or vision
statements, but with gaps in
logic, required detail, or
specificity of examples

Does not discern the
organization’s approach to
strategic planning based on its
mission or vision statements


Analysis: Issue Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses industry-specific
terminology to effectively
communicate and establish

Accurately identifies the
prevailing issue in the selected
case study

Identifies the prevailing issue in
the selected case study, but
with gaps in accuracy or
required detail

Does not identify the prevailing
issue in the selected case study


Analysis: Conce

HCM 415 Alternatives Journal Guidelines and Rubric

After reading the Module Three reading materials, discuss in your own words how your case study’s organizational mission, vision, and values impact how the
organization addresses its directional strategies and strategic alternatives.

Submit a journal assignment that evaluates how the organization incorporates directional strategies and strategic alternatives based on its mission and vision
statements. In the evaluation, be sure to address the following:

A. Summarize the directional strategies and strategic alternatives that the healthcare organization has available to it. Provide examples from the case

B. Discuss how the organization connected its selected directional strategies and strategic alternatives to its mission, vision, and values. Provide examples
from the case study.

C. Evaluate the implementation of the directional strategies and strategic alternatives in light of the organization’s mission, vision, and values.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Critical Element Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Summary: Directional
Strategies and

Strategic Alternatives

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
summary is exceptionally clear
and concise

Briefly summarizes the
directional strategies and
strategic alternatives the
healthcare organization has
available to it, using examples
from the case study

Summarizes the directional
strategies and strategic
alternatives the healthcare
organization has available to it,
but does not use examples
from the case study, does not
provide details that are
relevant, or the summary is too

Does not summarize the
directional strategies and
strategic alternatives the
healthcare organization has
available to it


Selected Strategies Meets “Proficient” criteria and
clearly describes the
connection between selected
strategies and mission, vision,
and values

Discusses how the organization
connected its selected
directional strategies and
strategic alternatives to its
mission, vision, and values
using examples from the case

Discusses how the organization
connected its selected
directional strategies and
strategic alternatives to its
mission, vision, and values,
using examples from the case
study, but the connection is not
clear, is illogical, or is incorrect

Does not discuss how the
organization connected its
selected directional strategies
and strategic alternatives to its
mission, vision, and values


Implementation Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
evaluation is particularly


This was the teacher respond to the last paper you wrote:

Your summary was thorough in describing Asian Health Services background as well as its values in offering services to their community, which demonstrates their mission and vision. I appreciate the depth of analysis you provided on the problems faced by AHS related to lack of financial resources, changing demographics, and retaining physicians as well as identifying the key terms and concepts. The examples illustrated your ability to choose the most relevant problems. In addition, you were able to clearly express the organization’s competencies in following their core values as well as the stakeholder’s view of the organization’s ability to position itself in the market place to continue to provide healthcare services. The impact of the problems faced were explained as well. READABILITY: You followed grammar, spelling, and sentence structure rules. MECHANICS:  There were issues with some of the citations. When you use a direct quote, the citation must also include the page or paragraph number. In addition,  the reference page must be double-spaced (even the references), and the page must have a hanging indent. This is where the first line of the reference is placed at the left margin and then the subsequent lines are indented ½ inch. You can accomplish a hanging indent either by using the ruler on the top of the Word document, or highlight the references, then go to the LAYOUT tab, then click on the symbol under PARAGRAPH to expand the choices, then look to INDENTATION, choose the dropdown arrow under SPECIAL and then choose hanging. RECOMMENDATIONS:  Correct the issues identified for future papers to avoid further deductions. Please review the grading rubric as it illustrates your compliance with the grading criteria. The Academic Support module in our course is available to support your academic success. Resources include written feedback, coaching, and/or tutoring, as well as self-led supports to strengthen writing skills. Access Academic Support by clicking on the Academic Support tile on the course homepage in Brightspace, or from the Course Menu, click Learning Modules, then locate the Academic Support module listed at the bottom of the Table of Contents.

In addition, please make sure to correct these issues in future assignments. I am including a link to the APA Style website that has information on APA style and formatting of the actual paper. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I am always happy to help.