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HCM 415 Alternative Strategic Plan Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric

In the Module Two journal, you discussed external forces that could impact an organization’s strategic plan. After reflecting on your Module Two journal
assignment, discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper,
address the following:

A. Explain the need for developing strategic alternatives and why strategic alternatives are important for a successful organization. Use scholarly and peer-
reviewed sources to support your explanation.

B. Examine industry policy changes and the need to develop a flexible strategic plan, specifically, how the source of the policy (such as federal mandated
changes, industry best practices, or state requirements) impacts the need to develop a flexible strategic plan. Use appropriate sources to support your

C. Make strategic alternative recommendations for the healthcare organization in your case study. Be sure these recommendations address the specific
policy issue changes faced by the healthcare organization.

Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be in APA format and consist of 1–2 pages, not including the title and reference page.

Critical Element Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
adeptly utilizes sources to
explain why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization

Explains the need for
developing strategic
alternatives and why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization, using
scholarly and peer-reviewed

Explains the need for
developing strategic
alternatives and why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization, using
sources, but the explanation is
illogical or cursory or sources
are not scholarly or peer-

Does not explain the need for
developing strategic
alternatives and why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization


Flexible Strategic

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes sophisticated
connections between sources
of policy changes and the
strategic plan

Examines industry policy
changes and the need to
develop a flexible strategic plan.
Specifically addresses how
federal mandates, industry best
practices, or state requirements
impact the need to develop a
flexible strategic plan

Examines industry policy
changes and the need to
develop a flexible strategic plan,
but does not specifically
address how federal mandates,
industry best practices, or state
requirements impact the need
to develop a flexible strategic

Does not examine industry
policy changes

HCM 415 Alternative Strategic Plan Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric

In the Module Two journal, you discussed external forces that could impact an organization’s strategic plan. After reflecting on your Module Two journal
assignment, discuss why developing alternative strategic plans is important in order to meet the policy changes in the healthcare environment. In your paper,
address the following:

A. Explain the need for developing strategic alternatives and why strategic alternatives are important for a successful organization. Use scholarly and peer-
reviewed sources to support your explanation.

B. Examine industry policy changes and the need to develop a flexible strategic plan, specifically, how the source of the policy (such as federal mandated
changes, industry best practices, or state requirements) impacts the need to develop a flexible strategic plan. Use appropriate sources to support your

C. Make strategic alternative recommendations for the healthcare organization in your case study. Be sure these recommendations address the specific
policy issue changes faced by the healthcare organization.

Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be in APA format and consist of 1–2 pages, not including the title and reference page.

Critical Element Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
adeptly utilizes sources to
explain why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization

Explains the need for
developing strategic
alternatives and why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization, using
scholarly and peer-reviewed

Explains the need for
developing strategic
alternatives and why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization, using
sources, but the explanation is
illogical or cursory or sources
are not scholarly or peer-

Does not explain the need for
developing strategic
alternatives and why strategic
alternatives are important for a
successful organization


Flexible Strategic

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes sophisticated
connections between sources
of policy changes and the
strategic plan

Examines industry policy
changes and the need to
develop a flexible strategic plan.
Specifically addresses how
federal mandates, industry best
practices, or state requirements
impact the need to develop a
flexible strategic plan

Examines industry policy
changes and the need to
develop a flexible strategic plan,
but does not specifically
address how federal mandates,
industry best practices, or state
requirements impact the need
to develop a flexible strategic

Does not examine industry
policy changes

HCM 415 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

Continue analyzing the situation your case study’s healthcare organization faces.In this milestone, you will continue to evaluate the impact of the mission and
vision of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan. You will also consider how the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats effect the
environmental factors that confront the healthcare organization.

You will develop a 2–4-page SWOT analysis of the healthcare organization. Be sure to address the following:

A. Briefly summarize your case study.
B. To what extent do the organization’s policies address this issue? Be sure to justify your response.
C. To what extent does the organization’s strategic planning around this issue align with its organizational mission and vision? Use evidence and examples

to justify your reasoning.
D. What do you feel are the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) with regard to this issue? Be sure to substantiate your

claims with evidence and specific examples.
E. Based on the SWOT analysis you performed, what environmental factors are at play in terms of this issue and what is their impact on the delivery of

care within the organization? In other words, identify any new policies or new trends that will affect your day-to-day operation.

Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be between 2 and 4 pages, not including cover page and references. This paper should be in APA format.

Critical Element Exemplary (100%) Proficient(90%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Overview Meets “Proficient” criteria and
expertly balances brevity with
required detail

Provides a brief summary of the
selected case study

Provides a summary of the
selected case study, but
response is verbose or has gaps
in required detail

Does not provide a summary of
the selected case study


Analysis: Policies Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes nuanced inferences
about the efficacy of
organizational policies or
strategic planning in addressing

Logically assesses how
effectively organizational
policies or strategic planning
address the issue, justifying

Assesses how effectively
organizational policies or
strategic planning address the
issue, justifying response, but
with gaps in logic, detail, or

Does not assess how effectively
organizational policies or
strategic planning address the


Analysis: Mission
and Vision

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws nuanced connections
between organizational
strategic planning and
organizational mission and

Logically assesses the extent to
which strategic planning
around issue aligns with
mission and vision, just

Feedback from the journal assignment:

Very well done! I do recommend using first and second level headings in your paper. It helps the reader identify the next topic to be covered and is the next step in writing a scholarly paper. CONTENT:  You have provided a summary of the directional strategies and identified the strategic alternatives of the Asian Health Services case study. The examples from the case study convey your ability to apply the strategic management concepts. In addition, you were able to show the connection to the organization’s mission, vision, and values (MVV). Your evaluation of the implementation of the directional strategies as well as the alternatives was accurate in depicting the MVV’s outlined by the organization. Great use of resources to support your work! READABILITY: You followed grammar, spelling, and sentence structure rules. MECHANICS: Your work followed APA guidelines outlined in the instructions. RECOMMENDATIONS:  Please review the grading rubric as it illustrates your compliance with the grading criteria. As an FYI, the Academic Support module in our course is available to support your academic success. Resources include written feedback, coaching, and/or tutoring, as well as self-led supports to strengthen writing skills. Access Academic Support by clicking on the Academic Support tile on the course homepage in Brightspace, or from the Course Menu, click Learning Modules, then locate the Academic Support module listed at the bottom of the Table of Contents. Overall, you have met the objectives for the Assignment. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I am always happy to help.

Feedback from the final assignment:

Great job – very well written. You developed a thorough analysis of Asian Health Services’ strategic planning approaches and were able to give some insight by providing examples. You accurately identified the prevailing issue of retaining physicians and lack of funding as well as your evaluation of their effect on the organization. In addition, the healthcare manager’s role was well developed in determining their contribution to the planning process for addressing these issues. The rationale provided was sound and illustrated your ability to apply the concepts of strategic management in leadership roles. The piece on the key stakeholders and the part they play in the process was well defined. Nicely done!  READABILITY: You followed grammar, spelling, and sentence structure rules. WRITING MECHANICS: You provided APA formatted citations and references as directed. I look forward to your next milestone installment for your final project. RECOMMENDATIONS:  Please review the grading rubric as it illustrates your compliance with the grading criteria. The Academic Support module in our course is available to support your academic success. Resources include written feedback, coaching, and/or t