
 does engagement of patients using a scripted tool during bedside handoff at each shift change compared to no patient engagement in nursing handoff increase HCAHPS scores and positive patient feedback in leadership rounding after a three-month period?  

SNRS 35th Annual Conference – Virtual Conference

Humanizing Care through Technology and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
February 24-26, 2021

Schedule for All Abstract Submissions for 2021

The Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference provides an opportunity for SNRS
members to report ongoing and completed research as well as theoretical, conceptual and
methodological projects to colleagues. This year SNRS will have one call for submissions,
open 8/4 to 10/5, for a virtual conference format.

 Posters: Submission to one of two possible categories:
Traditional Research Poster or A Scholarly Project Poster translating evidence into
practice. Posters will be displayed on the Virtual conference website as a PDF
accompanied with a two-five minute pre-recorded presentation highlighting your findings.
From the student research poster submissions, the top 10 student posters will be
determined by blind peer review. These authors will have a separate poster
presentation session allowing a 10 minute pre-recorded presentation for each poster, a
live Q&A, and award of the Top three Student Poster Awards.
Research Podiums: Podium Presentations are individual papers grouped by Research
Interest Group (RIG) or Thematic Area with 4 to 5 papers per session. SNRS accepts
traditional research for podium presentations currently. Typically, presenters have 10
minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Only one presenter per abstract
presents the paper, usually the lead author. Due to COVID-19 and the SNRS conference
going virtual for 2021, presentations will be pre-recorded and compiled with a live Q&A
session and only 1 hour in length.
Research Symposiums: Symposiums are 4-5 papers from different authors that have a
consistent topic/theme. Symposiums will be 1 hour in length, pre-recorded with a live
Q&A. Format will be an introductory speaker, individual presenters, and then a panel
Non-Research General Session: SNRS will offer a few general session with 4-5
presentations of research-related issues such as research career trajectories,
methodological challenges, senior scientist experiences, advice and theory, the process
of conducting research in non-academic settings, and the role of nurse scientists in
clinical settings. Submissions are welcomed from senior scientists, mid-career scientists,
researchers in clinical settings, and members from the Research Interest Groups. Due to
COVID-19 and the SNRS conference going virtual for 2021, presentations will be pre-
recorded with a live Q&A session and only 1 hour in length.

Specific Guidance for each type of submission:

1) Poster Presentations:
a. SNRS accepts completed research and clinical/translation projects as well as

theoretical, conceptual and methodological projects. If the research/ project is not
