Please see attached

1. Choose at least 2 of the 13 tips that I have shared with you over the last several weeks* that you would identify as salient. Salient means prominent, conspicuous, and thought-provoking.

2. Prepare a statement that identifies two salient tips, and answers the three following questions:
Why did you find these tips salient?
What does academic integrity mean to you?
How might you feel if a colleague plagiarized your writing?

Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 12

Posted on: Friday, September 10, 2021 8:00:00 AM EDT

Below is Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 12. This is sent to help you avoid plagiarism. Understanding the ills of plagiarism and academic dishonesty is not only important to developing and encouraging a proper ethical framework, but I hope it will help you avoid a huge problem that is unfortunately all too common in classes and society.

Tip # 12 Proper citation practices tell your audience the sources of your information and writing. Knowing your sources helps your readers better understand the arguments or positions you are making. They will compare your statements to what your sources have said and determine how your writing relates to those sources. The proper citation also allows you to back up your positions, by providing additional evidence and arguments from your sources that have said similar things. Citations also allow your audience to confirm that what you are saying is, indeed, valid and true. Citations are used to provide appropriate credit to those you are relying upon to make your arguments, but it does not serve any formal royalties system (that happens in other ways)1.

I just could not help myself… so here is a bonus tip:

Consequences demonstrate that plagiarism is a serious offense and should be avoided at all costs. There have been several professionals in recent history that have had their reputations ruined because they stole the work from others. This act of theft makes them look not credible since it appears they cannot do their own work. In education, original work is of strong value and since plagiarism and cheating give those who do it an unfair advantage over other students, suspensions and expulsions are common consequences. Plagiarism can lead businesses and other organizations to make poor decisions, which may end up in the loss of money or harm to individuals. Therefore, these organizations usually have a valid claim by which to sue or press charges against the plagiarists1.

The instructions for the Avoiding Plagiarism Extra Credit Assignment.
1. Choose at least 2 of the 13 tips that have been shared with you over the last two weeks. These tips should be the ones you determine to be most salient. Salient means prominent, conspicuous and thought-provoking.

2. Prepare a statement that identifies two salient tips, and answers the three following questions:
Why did you find these tips salient?
What does academic integrity