Qualitative Research article analysis

Name: ____SAMPLE QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS_______________ Date: ___________

APA Reference:___ Adams, K. W., & Tolich, D. (2011). Blood transfusion: The patient’s experience. American Journal of Nursing, 111(9), 24-30. https://doi.10.1097/01.NAJ.0000656328.23963.82 ____________________________________________________

This analysis is on a qualitative research article. Choose ONE of the qualitative research articles provided in Workshop Two. Do not write a narrative paper. Use the worksheet to complete this assignment. Use your own words to paraphrase information from the article. You can use direct quotes, but use them sparingly. Cite all paraphrases and direct quotes; each box must be cited. Use the grading rubric for guidelines on how to answer each of the questions on the worksheet. When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to the 2.3 Dropbox by the end of the workshop.

Problem Statement


Purpose Statement

Problem Statement: According to the authors, the problem is that little research had been conducted about the patient’s perspective of the treatment and they sought to fill that gap in nursing knowledge. Purpose Statement: The research purpose was to identify both patients’ understanding blood transfusions, and also whether they experienced discomfort in the process of the blood transfusion. (Adams & Tolich, 2011) Comment by Stormer, Mari: Both the problem stimulating the study and the purpose of the study must be indicated. What was the problem, and why was the study being conducted?

Assessment of Literature Reviewed

(Background information)

Although no U.S. results were located through the literature review, two Australian studies, both from 1999 were reviewed. Also reviewed was a study examining the differences between physicians’ and laypersons’ ideas regarding the risks of various medical procedures, including blood transfusions. In all, 12 journal articles were reviewed, only three of which were published within the past five years. Of the other ten references, seven were texts related to various concepts of research, as opposed to the topic. (Adams & Tolich, 2011) Comment by Stormer, Mari: The assessment of literature reviewed is an assessment of the background information the authors provide on the general topic. You will briefly summarize the literature reviewed and assess the quality and quantity of sources used. This assessment will involve examining both the reference list and the article’

Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2016) 33, 21—29

Available online at


j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / i c c n

Nurses’ involvement in end-of-life care of
patients after a do not resuscitate decision
on general medical units in Saudi Arabia

Ibrahim K. Abu-Ghori a, Mustafa M.E. Bodrick b, Rafat Hussain c,
G. Hussein Rassool d,∗

a Acute Medical Unit, Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, King Abdul-Aziz Medical City, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
b King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
c University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
d Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Online University, The Gambia

Received 11 March 2015; received in revised form 13 October 2015; accepted 14 October 2015

End-of-life care;
Nurses’ involvement;
Nurses’ lived
Reflective journaling

Objectives: To describe the essence of the nurses’ lived experience and explore the meaning
of their involvement in end-of-life care after a do-not-resuscitate decision has been made.
Research methodology/design: The research design embraced qualitative, exploratory and
descriptive approaches utilising aspects of phenomenology. Purposive sampling of twenty-six
registered nurses was used. Data was collected using the reflective journaling technique and
were analysed using an integrated approach. Field notes were also used as a mean to enrich
the description of the findings contextually.
Setting: Medical units in Saudi Arabia.
Results: Three main themes emerged: exhausted medical treatment, continuity of nursing
care and cultural considerations in nursing care. Related sub-themes were also identified as
an extension to the description of the main themes.
Conclusion: The findings affirm that nurses working on medical units continue to maintain a
constant level of care for patients and families after the do-not-resuscitate decision. Nurses
found that caring for dying patients was a rewarding and worthwhile experience, albeit a chal-

lenging and demanding one. The findings suggest that improvement in end-of-life care would

be best achieved by collaborativ
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights re

∗ Corresponding author at: Sidi Bou Said, Avenue Bengali 3, Morcelleme
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (I.K. Abu-Ghori), BodrickM@N

eripheral venous catheters (PVCs) are the most
common invasive device inserted in hospitals
internationally. Up to 60% of all patients undergoing
treatment in a tertiary hospital will have at least
one PVC during their hospital admission (New et

al, 2014; Alexandrou et al, 2015). Previous studies have found
that insertion of these devices is associated with a range of
negative outcomes, from mild discomfort to extreme pain or
anxiety (Halter et al, 2000; Wright, 2011). However, patients’
experiences of PVC insertion are under-investigated.

Experiences of peripheral IV insertion
in hospital: a qualitative study
Emily Larsen, Samantha Keogh, Nicole Marsh, Claire Rickard

Adult medical and surgical patients admitted to tertiary hospitals regularly
have peripheral venous catheters (PVCs) inserted for their treatment.
Anecdotally, patients report varying levels of pain and anxiety during
the insertion procedure; however, lived experiences of patients are not
well documented in the literature. The aim of this study was to gain
an understanding of patients’ experiences of PVC insertion. Some 10
participants were purposively sampled for semi-structured interviews, from
the medical and surgical wards at a tertiary hospital in Queensland, Australia.
Four key themes developed from the interview data: communication between
the patient and the inserter; technique of device insertion; competence of the
inserter; and location of the device. These themes informed practical ways
that nurses might improve the patient experience, including: consultation with
patients regarding device insertion preferences; siting the PVC in locations
other than the antecubital fossa and hand; ensuring experienced and
confident inserters are available to insert PVCs.

Key words: ■ Patients’ experience ■ Qualitative study ■ Catheterisation,
peripheral ■ Nursing, medical-surgical

Emily Larsen, Senior Research Assistant, Alliance for Vascular
Access Teaching and Research (AVATAR), Menzies Health Institute
Queensland (MHIQ), Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane,

Samantha Keogh, Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Nicole Marsh, Research Fellow in Vascular Access, Menzies
Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ), Griffith University, Australia

Claire Rickard, Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Griffith University, Australia

Accepted for publication: October 2017

PVCs are inserted by medical or nursing staff (Alexandrou et
al, 2015) and are typically placed in the upper arm, lower arm,
hand or foot, using various size needles (measured by gauges)
(O’Grady et al, 2011). Catheter size and location for insertion
depend on patient characteristics (e.g. previous medical/
treatment history, comorbidities), infusion/treatment needs,


Patient readmission for orthopaedic surgical site infection: an

hermeneutic phenomenological approach

Lilian Machado Torres, Ruth Natalia Teresa Turrini and Miriam Aparecida Barbosa Merighi

Aim and objective. To explore the individual experience of being readmitted for

surgical site infection resulting from orthopaedic surgery.

Background. Surgical site infection has been a cause of concern worldwide and con-

tributes to the greatest number of hospital readmission occurrences. Health profes-

sionals must understand the meaning of these readmissions for the individual, as an

understanding of these exclusive experiences improves the quality of surgical care.

Design. Qualitative research based on the existential phenomenology of Martin


Method. Eleven individuals who were readmitted because of surgical site infec-

tion participated in the study. The testimonials were obtained over an 11-month

period in 2014–2015 based on the following leading question: What has it been

like for you to be readmitted because of orthopaedic surgical site infection? The

phenomenological analysis identified the sentiment units of the testimonials and

their interrelation, revealing the meanings.

Results. The revealed contents were fear and insecurity of the unknown, frustra-

tion, and the sense of time passing them by and being unable to live their lives.

The individuals felt neglected, and they experienced their social relationality as

impaired and sometimes approaching a breakdown. The patients connected with

God as an attempt to avoid complications and death.

Conclusion. We urge healthcare professionals to deepen their knowledge of the

dimensions of care by developing competencies that consider the subjectivity of

experiences of the health–disease process. When the only listening that takes place

is qualified listening, the professional’s attitudes compromise his or her ability to

provide true care, which transcends the knowledge of doing and reaches the

knowledge of doing with sensitivity.

Relevance to clinical practice. Nursing care requires an attitude that considers the

patient as more than a carrier of illness and should not be limited to what is

described and prescribed, although the latter cannot be excluded in an organisa-

tional point of view.

What does this paper contribute

to the wider global clinical


• Professionals should develop com-
petencies for searching for what is
not shown in terms of patients’
experiences with the health–disease
process. Such competencies tran-
scend ‘knowing how to do’ to
achieve ‘knowing how to do with

• Permanent pedagogic and educa-
tion projec