message for instructions 


Your name

Faculty: Name

Course number: Course Name


Choose a background design if you like.

Brief History or brief intro to the community

At-Risk Population


What is their risk factors


Explain what makes this at-risk population so vulnerable?


Non-profit organization

Introduce the organization



Nursing diagnosis for this at-risk population

Full nursing diagnostic statement

Use an official NANDA diagnosis

Smart Goal

Address/ consider: Is the goal Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time ,and Resource Constrained

Objective One

Objective statement


Objective Two



Objective Three



Key Informant

At-risk Population Interviews

Who was interviewed/ when

Knowledge gleaned


Evaluation of Objectives

Objective One

Objective Two

Objective Three



Breathing Made Easy for Marion, Indiana’s Asthmatic Children

Student Name

Professor: first name last name

NUR 465: Population health: Local, national, and global approaches


Looking Back at Marion, Indiana’s History
>or a brief Introduction to your community<

The city sits on the north bank of the Mississinewa River and was established by . . … (citations)

Its first business was _________ but has been replaced by _________industry as the main source of tax revenue for the city.

In spite of its average population, businesses, and income Marion struggles today with__________

Asthmatic Children

Asthmatic children were chosen because of increasing incidence of Emergency Department (ED) visits noted . . .

Marion’s underlying air quality is . . . (citation)

Incidence of asthma in US children 12 and under is (citation)

Incidence of asthma in Marion’s children is . .. (citation)

Current approaches to treat this at Riley’s Children’s Hospital in (Indianapolis, IN) Asthma Clinic . . . (citation)


In addition to the patients and their families the other stakeholders in the community would be



School system

Children’s athletic programs


The organization you are partnering with


The nonprofit organization which will underwrite the proposed plan is the Asthma and Allergy Foundation

Mission . . . . (citation)

Goal . . . .(citation)

Nursing Diagnosis

Deficient community health among children (up to 12 years) in Marion, IN related to poor air quality and insufficient parental knowledge, as evidenced by rising emergency department visits of asthmatic children.


To reduce by 50% the incidence of emergency department visits by Marion’s asthmatic children without additional financial duress upon children’s family by Month Year.

(consider, Is the goal Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time ,and Resource Constrained)

Outcome Objective One

Riley’s Children’s asthma clinic roster children and families/ care givers will participate with use of mask at home when pollen counts exceed XXXXX for next 12 months to achieve a 50% reduction in ED visits by Month Year.


Survey potential resource options for purchase of masks

Assess current knowledge base of participants

Instruct on use of mask and benefits

Instruct on importance of following pollen counts

Instruct on importance of awareness of asthma triggers


Outcome Objective

Community Assessment Part One: Community Core (Due in Assignment 2.3)

Data Collection Tool

Name:_________________________________ Community:_________ City of Madisonville ________________________

Instructions: Use this tool to document your assessment findings. Include a succinct synopsis in paragraph form for each of the assessment categories below. Remember to provide adequate depth and breadth for each category of the assessment. Be sure to cite the sources to support your findings and include your reference list.

Assessment Category


Historical overview of the community

Must Include:

· When the community was settled

· By whom

· First Business

· Important information about the community

The city of Madisonville, Kentucky, was established in 1807 and was named for the then secretary of state, James Madison. The city was named the seat of Hopkins County in 1808 (Gamblin, 2018). It was formally incorporated in 1808. Farming was the primary occupation of the city’s residents, with tobacco as the leading crop. The first outcropping of coal was discovered in 1837, and the first coal mine was opened in 1869. In the early 20the century, the city of Madisonville was known for being a rail hub, coal-mining center, and a large tobacco market. Currently, it is labeled as “the best town on Earth” and serves as the leading manufacturing hub.

Demographic description of the community population

Must Include:

· Birth rates

· Death rates

· Pertinent morbidity rates

· Distribution of


· Sex

· Race

· Ancestry (i.e., German, Asian, Indian, etc.)

· Marital status

· Education status

· Household types & size

As of 2020, the city is estimated to have approximately 19,542 people making it the most populated city in Kentucky. Based on the 2019 demographic data, the city of Madisonville showed a birth rate of 23.7%. The death rate was estimated to be 1,048 per 100,000 people as of 2018. The median age in the city is 36.3 years, 41.9 years for females, and 32.8 years for males. Individuals between 18 and 64 years cover about 57% of the city’s total population; persons under 18 years cover approximately 26 %, while those above 64 years are about 17% (World Population Review, n.d.). According to US Census Bureau Statistics, females in the city make up about 50.8% while males are 449.2%. The percentage of whiles is 82.2%, African American 11.8%, American Indian and Alaska Native 0.4%, and Asian approximately 1.3%. Approximately 4,010 people (27.14% of the t

Community Assessment Part Two: Data Collection Tool

Subsystems (Policy and Government, Education, Health and Social Services, Communication, and Recreation)


Community: _______________________________________________________________

At-risk population:_____________________________________________________________

Instructions: Use this tool to document your assessment findings. Include a succinct synopsis in paragraph form for each of the assessment categories below. Remember to provide adequate depth and breadth for each subsystem of the assessment. Be sure to cite the sources to support your findings, and include your reference list.



Health and Social Systems Subsystem

(2 points each)

Must Provide:

· Health facilities

· Providers

· Clinics/ Dialysis care

· Public health services

· Home-care

· Hospice /Palliative

· Long-term care

· Social services

· Counseling services

· Medicaid services

Looking at the location that has been provided in this case, that is Madisonville city there are different health facilities that are there, some of these include pennyroyal center, Baptist health deaconess Madisonville, Owensboro health Madisonville and many others. The healthcare facilities in this case are considered to have enough healthcare providers. Looking also at the city in this case, there are different and many clinics/dialysis care facilities, some of these include the Fresenius Kidney Care, DaVita Madisonville Dialysis Center, Ascension Medical group and many more that help in tackling diseases that do need dialysis. Looking at the public services that are also there, there are some of these in Madisonville city, some of these include Madisonville Sanitation Department, Hopkins County Health Department, Baptist Health Deaconess Madisonville and others. When it comes to home care, there are different and many of these that do exist in the city, some of them include Madisonville Homecare, Owensboro Homecare and others that do exist in the said location (Acree, 2020). Some of hospice/palliative care there are found in Madisonville city include Green River hospice, Baptist Health Deaconess Madisonville Hospice care and many others. When it comes to long term care, there are different of these that are found in Madisonville city, these include Madisonville health and rehabilitation, hillside center and others. Some of the social services found in the city include Hopkins



Community Assessment

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation





Based on demographics, Madisonville is a highly populated area based on the 2020 statistics. The birth rate is higher than the death rate hence it is clear that the city has a big population. However, people have personal strength that is very significant to their recovery in case they suffer from a mental illness. Several personal factors can enhance the recovery of people. Personality assets can be essential in the long-term recovery and improvement in case of such health conditions within a given period. Great character strengths also play a great role in controlling this condition.

Research shows that young adults are more prevalent in mental illness. In Madisonville, the demographics show that the people between 18 and 64 years cover a great range of 57% of the total population of the city. However, the older people are less since the statistics show that only 17% of the population consists of people aged above 64 years. It is also discovered that more females suffer from mental illnesses compared to men. Mental illness consists of conditions that have different degrees of severity, with a range that can be either severe, moderate, or mild. The illness can be either serious mental illness or any mental illness. Any mental illness is a condition that can be emotional, mental, or affect the behaviors of an individual. On the other hand, serious mental illness can also be a behavioral, emotional, or mental condition that causes severe impairment of the body’s functioning hence obstructing vital life activities. Most people suffering from serious mental illness are in the adolescent stage and mostly among the youth (Settipani et al., 2019). This is due to the stress caused by the changes involved in the transition from adolescence to adulthood in areas such as social aspects, financial stability, and emotional aspects, among others.

The education level of the people in Madisonville city is considered to be very high with very high literacy levels in the city. With different educational sources in the city from children to adult education centers and afterschool programs, it is clear that the city has well-educated people. Since education levels are high, studies can be carried out to assess the health of students before they begin their studies and carry out a follow-up to ensure mental stability. Research gives