make sure to review the grading rubric so that you are sure to answer all questions  

Apa seven 

 references less than 5 years 

no more than 15 % of similarity

These all have an associated rubric which requires students to provide recent evidence using scholarly databases. 





Total pts

Objectives (30 pts)

21-30 pts

Student’s responses demonstrate excellent understanding of all the stated case study objectives through clear and detailed support within each of the question responses throughout the case study.


11-20 pts

Student’s responses demonstrate understanding of most of the stated case study objectives with good support within the question responses throughout the case study.


0-10 pts

Student’s responses demonstrate minimal understanding of the stated case study objectives with limited support within the question responses throughout the case study.



Question responses/answers (60 pts)

41-60 pts

Students answer each question accurately using epidemiological processes from readings and supplemental resources to validate each answer choice.



21-40 pts

Students answer most questions accurately using epidemiological processes from readings and supplemental resources to validate most answer choices.


0-20 pts

Students answer limited questions accurately using few epidemiological processes from readings and supplemental resources to validate some answer choices.




(60 pts)

41-60 pts

Answers/responses to cases study questions clearly demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of epidemiological concepts and the ability to problem solve using the epidemiological process in surveillance and investigation of health-related states or events


21-40 pts

Answers/responses to case study questions mostly demonstrate a fairly good understanding of epidemiological concepts and a good but somewhat unclear ability to problem solve using the epidemiological process in surveillance and investigation of health-related states or events


0-20 pts

Answers/responses to case study questions minimally demonstrate a limited understanding of epidemiological concepts and a vague and minimal ability to problem solve using the epidemiological process in surveillance and investigation of health-related states or events




Things you can apply to practice 

(15 pts)

11-15 pts

Student clearly identifies and explains two aspects of the case study that can be applied to community health nursing practice with a detailed rationale for both

P is for Practice Case Study 6 133

Case Study 6: Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Session Overview

For the purposes of this exercise, you will be asked to work in groups to participate in a
healthcare associated infection investigation. Information regarding the scenario will be
provided to you in parts, each of which will be followed by related discussion questions.
Choose one group member to read each segment of information aloud to the rest of the
group. After receiving the information, work as a team to formulate answers to each
discussion question.

Intended Audience
All public health, medical, veterinary, pharmacy, emergency management, hospital and
other professionals interested in public health preparedness and field epidemiology.

Time Required (estimated)
90 minutes

Learning Objectives

 Describe infection control practices in a healthcare setting
 Calculate disease prevalence, case-fatality rate, and odds ratio
 Create a histogram of cases over time
 Choose an appropriate epidemiological study design, given information about an

 Interpret epidemiologic study results

134 Case Study 6 P is for Practice

Case Study 6: Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


1. Which of the following describe contact precautions to prevent the spread of
infection in a hospital setting?

a. Limiting patient movement
b. Providing gown and gloves for patient
c. Using dedicated equipment
d. Cleaning and disinfecting patient room daily
e. All of the above are contact precautions
f. A, B, and D only

2. Prevalence is:
a. number of deaths in infected persons

total number of infected persons
b. number or cases (new and existing)

population at risk of infection
c. number or cases (new and existing)

total number of infected persons
d. none of the above

3. True or False: In a case control-study, the controls should represent the

population that gave rise to the case patients.

P is for Practice Case Study 6 135

Case Study 6: Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Student Guide


Healthcare associated infections (HAIs), previously referred to as nosocomial infections,
are acquired by patients during their treatment in a healthcare setting. HAIs are of
serious concern in the healthcare field. Hospitals are an ideal setting for opportunistic
pathogens because they house both highly infectious and highly susceptible patients.
Simple infection control practices such as hand washing and thorough cleaning and
disinfecting of items have greatly reduced the incidence of HAIs, yet such infections still
occur. In the U.S.

P is for Practice Case Study 6 133

Case Study 6: Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Session Overview

For the purposes of this exercise, you will be asked to work in groups to participate in a
healthcare associated infection investigation. Information regarding the scenario will be
provided to you in parts, each of which will be followed by related discussion questions.
Choose one group member to read each segment of information aloud to the rest of the
group. After receiving the information, work as a team to formulate answers to each
discussion question.

Intended Audience
All public health, medical, veterinary, pharmacy, emergency management, hospital and
other professionals interested in public health preparedness and field epidemiology.

Time Required (estimated)
90 minutes

Learning Objectives

 Describe infection control practices in a healthcare setting
 Calculate disease prevalence, case-fatality rate, and odds ratio
 Create a histogram of cases over time
 Choose an appropriate epidemiological study design, given information about an

 Interpret epidemiologic study results

134 Case Study 6 P is for Practice

Case Study 6: Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


1. Which of the following describe contact precautions to prevent the spread of
infection in a hospital setting?

a. Limiting patient movement
b. Providing gown and gloves for patient
c. Using dedicated equipment
d. Cleaning and disinfecting patient room daily
e. All of the above are contact precautions
f. A, B, and D only

2. Prevalence is:
a. number of deaths in infected persons

total number of infected persons
b. number or cases (new and existing)

population at risk of infection
c. number or cases (new and existing)

total number of infected persons
d. none of the above

3. True or False: In a case control-study, the controls should represent the

population that gave rise to the case patients.

P is for Practice Case Study 6 135

Case Study 6: Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Student Guide


Healthcare associated infections (HAIs), previously referred to as nosocomial infections,
are acquired by patients during their treatment in a healthcare setting. HAIs are of
serious concern in the healthcare field. Hospitals are an ideal setting for opportunistic
pathogens because they house both highly infectious and highly susceptible patients.
Simple infection control practices such as hand washing and thorough cleaning and
disinfecting of items have greatly reduced the incidence of HAIs, yet such infections still
occur. In the U.S.