Develop a 6-7 page implementation plan for the initiative proposed in Assessment 1. Include a budget for material, staffing, and capital costs over the fist 5 years of the initiative, as well as projected earnings. In addition, include a timeline, an organizational analysis, and an explanation of the effects of environmental changes on the initiative. 

12/1/21, 7:11 PMAssessment 3 Instructions: Developing an Implementation Plan &…

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Implementation Plan for a New Economic Opportunity

Learner’s Full Name

School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University

NURS-FPX6008: Economics and Decision Making in Health Care

Instructor’s Name

Month, Year

Copyright ©2018 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited.


Implementation Plan for a New Economic Opportunity

The economic initiative proposed to the senior management of Whilborne Medical

Center (WMC) is setting up an urgent care center (UCC) on WMC’s premises. A UCC is a

health care facility that offers immediate care for injuries and illnesses that are not life-

threatening (Yee et al., 2013). The UCC at WMC will aim to deliver safe, timely, patient-centered,

efficient, and effective health care to the community as well as attempt to address health

inequalities in the community.

An economic and environmental analysis was conducted to determine the feasibility of

setting up the UCC, and a business plan was presented to the senior management of WMC. The

management believes that this initiative has the potential to benefit the organization in the short

and long term. With this in view, an implementation plan for setting up the UCC has been

prepared. The implementation plan includes a 5-year budget for the UCC, a timeline for rolling

out the UCC, an analysis of how the UCC might impact WMC, and an explanation of how WMC

should deal with dynamic environmental forces.

Budget for the Proposed Urgent Care Center

A budget has been prepared to show the projected revenue and the expenses that the UCC

expects to incur over a 5-year period following the completion of its construction. The budget

has been created based on the assumption that construction of the UCC will be completed by the

end of 2018. Therefore, the budget plan contains revenue and expenditure details for the first 5

years of operation, from 2019 to 2023.

Revenue per annum over a 5-year period has been calculated by multiplying the expected

patient volume by average consultation charges. It is estimated that around 357 patients will visit

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the UCC per week and around $156 will be charged per patient per visit (AMN Healthcare,

2015; Yakobi, 2017). Thus, the revenue generated during the first year of operation is expected