In Module two, you were asked to describe an issue ADVOCACY FOR NURSING SHORTAGE and you hoped to improve and you created a presentation about the plan. This week, you will present on the progress and results you have made during the past 5 weeks. 

Your policy change proposal could have been with state Board of nursing, local boards, state representatives, or members of Congress/Senate. Based on the issues you selected in Module two, that you were passionate about, researched in depth, and contacted the appropriate policy maker (preferably in person, but at least by emails or letters) – detail your position and the evidence that supports it, and explain your results, determination and outcomes for the contact with policy makers in a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation with audio and speaker notes on all content slides. Make certain to include your sources and a reference slide.

Advocacy for Nursing Shortage



Identify Actions for advocacy

Identify evaluation strategies

Identify Actions for advocacy

Define advocacy and nursing advocates



Nurse to patient ratio has been a prevalent challenge in many healthcare systems.

U.S ration – 12.06 nurses per 1000 population (Nurse Journal, 2022)

Recommended RN-to-Patient varies according to intensity of patient needs.

ICU and ER departments receive lowest RN-to patient while skilled nursing facilities like psychiatric ratio is high (Sharma & Rani, 2020).

(Paton, 2018)

Nurses to patient ratio has been one of the major challenges for practioners within the practice. The gold standard for nurse to staff ratio has never been determined. However, recommendations for the RN-to-Patient in hospitals range in between departments with lower ratios within the ER departments such as trauma patient in ER and ICU patient in ER where recommended ratio is 1:1 and 1:2 (Sharma & Rani, 2020). However, a single norm for all the units and healthcare organizations cannot be used for a fair approximation of how much staff and resources are needed. To estimate nurse-to-patient ratio different factors must be considered such as unit workload, patients’ dependency, skill mix, available proportion of nurses’ productive and non-productive activities, and variations in time and nursing care activities during the shift.


Cause of nursing shortage

Aging workforce

73% increase in Americans aged 65 years between 2011 and 2019 (Haddad et al., 2022).

Aging Population

Increased demand for care from aging baby boomer population

High turnover rates

National average 8.8 to 37.0% (Haddad et al., 2022)

A higher RN-to-patient ratio that the recommended is usually an indicator that the number of nurses are overwhelmed by the demand for their services. However, understanding of the primary issues surrounding nursing shortage are usually caused an aging workforce where there is an average one million nurses that are above the age of 50 years (Haddad et al., 2022). The increase in the number of nurses increases the demand for more nurses. As a result, nurses are usually subjected to burnout due to shortages.


Successful advocacy framework


Identify need for change

Develop Solutions

Implement solutions

Monitor Outcomes


The processes of supporting a cause by supporting its position