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Assessing the health of a community or population requires a different skill set than assessing individual patients. Individual patients are assessed using direct observation during the process of identifying their condition, needs, abilities, and preferences. The health of populations is assessed using data analytics that aggregate findings based on a predefined geographic area or a common characteristic. For example, a population can include the people in an entire county, state, or nation. Additionally, a population can include the people in a hospital unit or community or any other group of individuals who have shared characteristics (e.g., older women or those who attend a common event at the same place and time). A disease investigator or advanced practice nurse defines the population of interest, which may change as the investigation progresses. Defining the population is extremely important as it is essential to describe the outbreak in terms of person, place, and time (PPT).

For this task, you will create a professional multimedia presentation. This presentation will be based on your analysis of an investigation conducted in the outbreak scenario. See the “Crab Apple Valley Communicable Outbreak Simulation” in the Web Link section. It is recommended that you complete your review of this outbreak before you begin your presentation since all the information in your presentation will come from this case scenario.

You will present the methods, processes, and results of your investigation of the outbreak that are essential to controlling the spread of this disease and preventing future outbreaks. Additionally, you will present information on the guiding principles that form the basis for investigating and managing infectious disease outbreaks.



Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 50% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. 

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. 

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .pdf, .ppt, .pptx).

Complete the “Crab Apple Valley Communicable Outbreak Simulation” (referred to as the outbreak scenario for this task) found in the Web Links section.

Note: Before starting the simulation, please read the attached “Prelude: Epidemiology of an Outbreak” and “Tutorial Crab Apple Valley” documents.

A.   Create a multimedia presentation (suggested length of 22 slides) on your investigation of the outbreak scenario. You may use the attached “Crab Apple Valley Communicable Outbreak Simulation Multimedia Presentation Template.”

Note: While you need to create a presentation, you do not need to present it. 

Note: The multimedia presentation for this performance assessment should be uploaded as a separate attachment and should not be included in the e-portfolio or submitted as a link. 

B.   In your presentation, provide your presenter notes for each slide in the presentation, including the appropriate level of explanation, analysis, and discussion of the outbreak scenario.

C.   In your presentation, provide a title slide that includes each of the following components:

•   your name

•   the title of the presentation

•   title of course

•   instructor Name

•   the date the presentation was submitted

D.   In your presentation, provide a slide that includes an outline of the main topics that will be included in your presentation in the order they will be presented.

E.   In your presentation, describe the background of the outbreak scenario from part A by doing each of the following:

1.   Describe the key components of the case definition for the outbreak scenario.

2.   Explain the 10 steps used in the outbreak investigation and include an example for each step.

F.   In your presentation, discuss methods used to determine the existence and scope of the outbreak scenario.

1.   Discuss the active and passive surveillance methods used to identify cases in the outbreak scenario.

2.   Provide the number of suspect cases in the entire outbreak scenario.

3.   Provide the number of probable cases in the entire outbreak scenario.

4.   Discuss the mode of transmission for the outbreak scenario for both locations, including specific examples from the scenario.

5.   Discuss how the cumulative incidence can be utilized with the outbreak scenario.

6.   Calculate the cumulative incidence for the entire outbreak scenario.

G.   In your presentation, justify your study design choice to guide your analysis of the outbreak scenario by doing the following:

1.   Construct a purpose statement for your outbreak scenario research project.

2.   Describe the data collected for the outbreak scenario research project from parts F1 and F2.

3.   Present a screen capture of the outbreak plot that is clear and provides correct information.

a.  Analyze the significance of the epi curve.

4.   Analyze the significance of the incubation period of the outbreak scenario.

5.   Describe the differences between an endemic, an epidemic, and a pandemic.

a.   Discuss whether this scenario outbreak is experiencing an endemic, epidemic, or pandemic.

6.   Calculate the case fatality rate.

a.   Describe the significance of the case fatality rate.

7.   Calculate the primary and secondary attack rates.

a.   Describe how the primary and secondary attacks occurred.

H.   In your presentation, discuss the three measures of outbreak management for the outbreak scenario.

1.   Provide a rationale for the control measures that should be implemented in the outbreak scenario.

2.   Formulate a plan to disseminate information on the outbreak to other agencies and the public.

I.   In your presentation, reflect on your learning experience by responding to each of the following questions:

•   What do you know now about investigating an outbreak that you did not know before?

•   Based on what you have learned, what might you do differently if given the opportunity to investigate an outbreak?

•   In what ways can you apply the concepts you have learned to your current clinical practice?

J.   Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized.

K.   Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your 


Telemedicine Advancement in Emergency Rooms

Author Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)

College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

D031: Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice

Instructor Name


Telemedicine Advancement in Emergency Rooms


Rural emergency departments are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to treating patients with acute illnesses. The absence of experts inside the office is a downside and couldpossibly have deadly results for our patients. Telemedicine is the freshest innovation accessible, and keeping in mind that costly, it gives significant advantages to emergency room patients and staff.Telemedicine will permit the emergency room to go with faster choices in regards to a patient’s demeanor orneed for quick development. In no less than a half year, The emergency room will execute telemedicine forcardiology patients requiring administrations. The following a half year will start the execution oftelemedicine for nervous system science and mental claims to fame. Telemedicine expands admittance todoctors and experts guaranteeing that patients get the perfect consideration at the ideal time and in theperfect spot (Truth Sheet: Telehealth, 2019). Telemedicine is connected to a 30-35% decrease in mortality (Di Lenarda et al., 2017).

A1. Role of innovative nurse leader

Nurse educators will be officially liable for preparing staff on the machine and training them on legitimate advances when a discussion is requested. Instructors will be accessible for different kinds of feedback. Laying out a telemedicine champion in the trauma center could be helpful when teachers are not free. Preparing staff is perhaps the greatest obstacle and normally requires more than one meeting (Hamm et al., 2020). Their casual job is counsel with different offices with this sort of hardware to get thoughts on the most proficient method to better our cycle.

Innovation is viewed as another device, thought, or strategy for playing out an ongoing interaction. It is otherwise called developing something new or further developing something currently in present. Nurse innovators act as agents of change. They drive new procedures and use innovation to work on understanding considerations. Leaders likewise have areas of strength for construction with different experts in medical care. They can utilize an instrument we now have and track down an alternate reason for it. They can conceptualize groundbreaking plans to work on by and large persistent consideration and security (Williams et al., 2016). We are the foundation of medical care. Medical care is steadily evolving. New ideas are expected to continually adjust to changes. Nurse innovators make answers for existing cycles, better approaches to utilize current

AJM2 Task 1:

Author Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)

College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

D028:Advanced Health Assessment for Patients and Populations

Instructor Name



You will have robust speaker notes for every slide except the References slide.

Presenter notes must be scholarly with full sentences and paragraphs. Do not use bullet points on your presenter notes.

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar must be accurate.

In-text citations must be included either on the slide or in the speaker notes.

Indent each new paragraph in the speaker notes.

Speaker notes should be in APA format. However, double spacing is not required.

When submitting the PowerPoint for evaluation, you must first save it to your desktop you must first save it to your desktop as a .ppt or .pptx document or as a .pdf file and then submit.  Do not submit a LINK to your PowerPoint as it will be returned for revisions. 

Use bullet points on the actual slides to highlight key information from speaker notes.

If pictures are used on the slides, and they are stock images from Word, they do not have to be referenced. Pictures that do NOT come from Word stock images will need in-text citations and a reference list entry.














Describe the Significance of Epi Curve shown above




Discuss Outbreak type



Describe the significance of the case fatality rate




Describe how the primary and secondary attack rates occurred



Provide a rationale for the control measures that should be implemented in the outbreak scenario



Prelude: Epidemiology of an Outbreak

Did you ever wonder if the nursing process was more versatile than only applying it to clinical practice and academic discussions? Have you ever been asked to perform a clinical task or procedure without being informed first why it was necessary? Did you understand the “why” behind all the actions taken to address outbreaks in recent years? Have you considered the differences in the implications and the extent of endemic, epidemic, or pandemic outbreaks?

This aspect of your course will increase your understanding of the how, what, where, why, and when of outbreaks and provide you with an opportunity to translate theory into practice in your new professional role. Let the exploration of an outbreak investigation begin!

What you need to know before you start the outbreak scenario.

This scenario was developed especially for you!

Follow the instructions on each slide.

Listen to and read the text at the bottom of the screen for the slides with audio.


Only select the “Transcript” button if you would like to view the full audio text for several slides. Once selected, you will be able to turn it off by clicking the button labeled “Close.”

A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generated

Click on the button labeled “Pause” to pause any of the videos and the “Play” symbol to restart.


You will see a button labeled “Prev” and a button labeled “Next.” Use these buttons to advance or go back.


You will also see a button labeled “Prev” and a button labeled “Submit” when you are on a slide that requires you to perform an action or actions. Click on the “Submit” button when you have completed the action.

To drag and drop an item on a slide, use your left mouse button and click on the selected item, hold the mouse button down, and move the selected item to the new location by moving your mouse. Then release the mouse button.

For the “Case Definition” slide, you will need to drag each word to the correct definition space. If the word turns green, it is correct. If it turns red, either it is not part of the definition, or it may not be in the correct space in the definition. Drag the incorrect words to the trash can. You can only move forward if you have moved all the words to their correct location.


The “Home” button is the one with the symbol of a house on it. This button will take you back to the “Home” page to review a specific section of the scenario if you want.

Take notes as you navigate the scenario. When you have completed the scenario, you may select the
Icon  Description automatically generated
“Home” button to return to and review any of the sections of the course. If you select one of the sections to review, you will progress through the section again and must select the “Home” button again to navigate to another section without completing the slide requirements again.

Enjoy the learning experience! Some of the words in an outbreak investigation may be foreign to you, but the approach is significantly aligned with the nursing process.

