This week’s assignment is Part 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question.

  1. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.
  2. Introduction (this is a part of Part 1–you’ve already done this–just make what changes you want to it (if any) and cut and paste it to this report 
  3. Overview of the Problem–you’ve already done this–just make what changes ypu want to it (if any) and cut and paste it to this report.
  4. Project Purpose Statement – Provide a declarative sentence or two which summarizes the specific topic and goals of the project.
  5. Background and Significance – State the importance of the problem and emphasize what is innovative about your proposed project. Discuss the potential impact of your project on your anticipated results to the betterment of health and/or health outcomes.
  6. PICOt formatted Clinical Project Question – Provide the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Expected Outcomes and timeframe for the proposed project.
  7. Conclusion (this will change with every assignment)


Impacts of Implementation of Educational Programs on Substance Abuse in Youths

Bradly Pierson

United States University

MSN 563: Evidence Based Inquiry for Scholarship And Practice

Dr. Sandra J. Dotson-Kirn

September 14, 2021


Impacts of Implementation of Educational Programs on Substance Abuse in Youths


The purpose of this project is to identify whether implementing substance abuse

educational programs can help reduce substance abuse among youths aged 14-22 within one

year. An increase in substance abuse and alcohol use among the youth is a global health concern.

This increase is associated with the risk of substance abuse disorders in youths and further public

health problems to their families and society (Carter, 2015). Among the youths aged 14-22, there

is a risk of poor academic performance, dropping out of school, or even taking longer to

complete their studies. The PICOT question for the project seeks to identify the prevalence and

patterns of substance use and alcohol use among the youths. After identifying the situation of the

problem, it will determine if introducing educational programs on substance abuse can be an

effective intervention to reduce these patterns among youths compared to when there are no such

programs. Implementation of the project will take one year to establish if the program leads to

positive outcomes. Therefore, the proposed project will help inform policymakers in the

education and health care systems concerning the importance of implementing educational

programs on substance abuse to help reduce alcohol use and substance abuse among the youths.

Problem Statement

Numerous studies have shown that adolescents and young adults are at a heightened risk

for substance abuse and alcohol use, among other related adverse consequences. The incidence

of substance abuse among the youth is alarming, rendering it a significant public health concern.


This problem harms not only the users but also their families and society. Various predisposing

factors for substance abuse among the youths include gender, age, family relations and structure,

poverty, and drugs affordability and accessibility (Somani & Meghani, 2016). Substance abuse

encompasses misuse of illicit drugs or regular use of those drugs. The most abused drugs include

charas, hashish, marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, heroin, and psychotropic drugs. However, alcohol,

marijuana, and heroin are among the commonly used globally (Somani & Meghani, 2016). In

particular, substance abuse is incapacitating for young people, and WHO identifies