Description For this work you need this book: National Geographic World Cultures and Geography, 2017, Cengage Learning. (ISBN: 9781305967182)….. its also can be found online Please bid, just if you got this book or you have acces to it. So please, I need help wirh this geography project. I need good grade and bc I am not from States its almost impossible for me. So I would really appreciate your help. I expect quality work, bc I think its not hard for Native speakers. Thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate There is not much writing but for of finding information. 1 attachments Slide 1 of 1 attachment_1 attachment_1 UNFORMATTED ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Name ____________________________________________ UNHS I.D. ____________________ Project 1 Evaluation 31 World Cultures 1: Western Hemisphere and Europe (SSTH 053 058) Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D. number at the top of this page! This project will count for 11% of your overall grade for this course. Be sure to read all the instructions and assemble all the necessary materials before you begin. When you have completed this project you may submit it electronically through the online course management system in either .pdf (Portable Document Format), or .doc (Microsoft Word document) format. If you scan your project as images, embed them in a Word document in .gif image format. Make sure your pages are legible before you upload them. Check the instructions in the online course for more information. This needs to be your own work. DO NOT copy and paste information from the sources that you use. You need to write everything you learn in your own words. REMEMBER: failing to cite sources or submitting another person’s work as your own is PLAGIARISM, which will result in a failing grade. Part A (25 points) Read through the article on climate on pages 70-71 of your textbook. Follow the directions at the bottom of page 71 to research and create a climograph (climate graph) for a city in your region. You can find U.S. climate data at:, or search the Internet or your local library for information. You can find world-wide climatological information at the World Weather Information Service ( 1. How would you describe the range of temperatures in Belem? What is the average temperature in Omsk in January? (5 points) 2. Most crops need water and warm temperatures in order to grow. Based on this information and the data in the climographs, what can you tell about the growing season in each city? (5 points) 3. Insert your climograph here, or upload it separately and put the Dropbox URL here. (15 points) Part B (75 points) Your assignment for this part is an in-depth investigation into the culture and geography of the country, state, or region in which you live. Your main purpose is to present the cultural and geographical features of your region (or state, city, or country) in such a way that people who have never visited there will gain a good understanding of the region and what makes it special. The region you live in can be the city, county, state, or nation that you live in. It could also be a geographical region such as the Midwest, the East Coast, or the South. You are free to decide whether you would like to do your project on a small region such as the city or community you live in, Project 1 71 SSTH 053 or a larger region such as the state or nation. Just remember, whichever you decide to present, you need to do a thorough job. Besides basic factual information, you will need to include some of the interesting cultural traditions and geographic features of your region. Be creative in what you present as well as how you present it. You are encouraged to add pictures, graphics, or links to websites that will enhance your project. Just be careful that you don’t overload the project with graphics and neglect the required content. Your project needs to contain the following information regarding the region you are investigating: 1. Geographical Elements: Include the following geographical information in your description of the region in which you live: (25 points) a. The name of the region. b. Location of the region, both absolute location and a relative location. c. Physical geography (including landforms and climate) of the region. d. Special or interesting geographical features of your region. 2. Cultural Elements. Include the following cultural information in your description of the region in which you live. (25 points) a. What groups of people originally settled this region? b. What elements of cultural heritage are still found in the region? c. How has the cultural heritage in this region affected the economic, political, or social systems that exist in the region today? (You may address just one of these, or more if you wish.) d. Provide at least four examples of cultural contributions that the people of this region have shared with the world. These can be examples of art, literature, architecture, food, music, and so on. You are welcome to give many more than four examples. 3. Sources. At the end of your project you need to list at least 3 (three) outside resources (not included in your course materials) that you used to compile the information for your project. You may feel free to use newspapers, encyclopedias, other history or geography books, the Internet (especially the travel sites!), and local governmental agencies (like the Chamber of Commerce). Make sure you include titles, authors and publishers’ names and copyright dates of any written material, and if you use Internet resources, be sure to include their URL (the full internet address). You can also include interviews as long as you give credit to the person you interview. If you use people as a resource, include their names, titles (if they have one), and why you chose them as a resource. (10 points) 4. Presentation. Make sure your project is neat, clean, and free of errors (such as typographical errors and spelling and punctuation errors). It should be organized or laid out in a way that is easy for the reader to follow. Remember that this is an in-depth investigation into the region you live in, so make sure that you write full and complete paragraphs, have a good introduction and conclusion, and that you properly reference all sources of your information. (15 points) Project 1 72 SSTH 053 a. Feel free to make your presentation just as creative as you wish. Your written material— either a written report, travel brochure, web-based presentation, or PowerPoint, should be between 1,000 to 1,200 words in length. b. If you choose to submit a written document, it must be in standard essay format and uploaded as a .doc or .pdf. You should submit the whole project (including these instructions) in as a single document if possible. c. If you choose to do a video or slide presentation with an audio component, please submit your script as well as your presentation. If you choose this option, you will need to submit two files for grading: the project and the script. You may need to use the Dropbox to upload your presentation. You will find upload instructions on the Project 1 page in MyWork. Part B of this project will be graded according to the following rubric: Objective Exceeds minimum project Meets minimum project Approaches course Does not meet expectations expectations course expectations expectations Geographical and Cultural Elements (50 points) Presentation: Integrating and organizing content (15 points) Project 1 Project content reflects all geographical and cultural element parameters. Student went well beyond the coursebased resources to incorporate additional information. Project content reflects all of the required geographical and cultural element parameters. Project content reflects most of the minimum required geographical and cultural element parameters. Project content does not reflect most geographical and cultural element parameters. Student used a great deal of creativity in this presentation. In addition to all required elements, student provided clear, accurate descriptions and/or well-placed graphics to enhance the information. The project is designed for someone who knows little or nothing about the region. Student went beyond the course-based resources to incorporate additional information. Correct grammar and punctuation has been used throughout the project. Student followed presentation parameters and also provided clear, accurate descriptions and/or well-placed graphics to enhance the information designed for someone who knows little or nothing about the region. Correct grammar and punctuation has been used throughout the project. Project was presented adequately, but without any undue creativity or additional graphics. Student incorporated the required elements in the project. Correct grammar and punctuation has been used in most of the project. Project was poorly presented. Student did not incorporate the required elements in the project. Student has not used correct grammar and punctuation in most of the project. 73 SSTH 053 Objective Exceeds minimum project Meets minimum project Approaches course Does not meet expectations expectations course expectations expectations Use of resources (10 points) Student went beyond the three required resources to incorporate additional information and described or developed additional media to enhance the activity. Possible Total 75-65 Points Student critically analyzed resources and used most or all available resources in the project. Student used only the absolute minimum required resources in the project. Student did not use resources effectively in the project. 64-55 54-45 44 or below This project can be submitted electronically. Check the Project page under “My Work” in the UNHS online course management system or your enrollment information with your print materials for more detailed instructions. Project 1 74 SSTH 053 Purchase answer to see full attachment User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.