Description 1. To prepare for this essay, you need to actively read Hollitz, Chapter 10, “History and Popular Memory: The Civil Rights Movement” and Gorn chapter 13. Complete a CTA on the secondary source (Document 1), “I’ve Got the Light of Freedom” by Charles Payne. According to Payne, journalists and oral historians have distorted our collective memory of the black struggle for equality by focusing too narrowly on civil rights leaders. Payne’s examination is a “bottom’s up” approach to history. Collective Memory is a term historians use to examine how societies constructed history. Yes, good historical analysis does not necessarily involve looking at factual events of the past. Oftentimes, historians attempt to explain how those events were shared and passed on by a group of people. Collective memory is the process in which history was remembered, and thus made. Imagine, if a particular event was remembered differently, how would that affect the way we view the past? RESPOND TO ALL QUESTIONS IN COMPLETE SENTENCES in the Critical Thinking Analysis. Next, analyze the primary sources in Hollitz 10 (Documents 2-12) and Gorn chapter 13. Choose 3 primary documents, and explain why each supports, modifies, or refutes Payne’s thesis. List these primary sources at the end of the CTA with a detailed explanation for each. You Interpret! Is our collective memory of the Civil Rights Movement really distorted because journalists and oral historians privileged the leaders of this struggle? What do you think? If you choose to quote from the documents, you must use quotation marks and cite the quotation, using document and page numbers. For example: (Document 3, p. 149). Avoiding proper citation is plagiarism. Do not use lengthy quotations; paraphrasing Higham’s words or the primary sources demonstrates that you have processed and understood the material. Remember, paraphrasing without proper citation is considered plagiarism as well. For added sophistication, try including a counter argument in the second portion of your CTA. For instance, incorporate a different interpretation from one of the sources that might contradict the prevailing ideas or argument. Double-space your work, and use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Proof-READ aloud, and put spell and grammar check to work for you. Approximate length: 2 – 3 pages. Tags: us history American history Civil Rights Movement American Civil rights African American citizens User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.