Description Topic Threads Posts Last Post Discuss: bad news about your report Must post first. Your response to this discussion is due by this Sunday before midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on his or her response. Your response to your fellow student is due by next Tuesday before midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). _____________ For this discussion, please refer to “Writing a Bad News Message,” which was one of the reading materials for week 7. You should also review the link from Purdue University on “Examples of Bad News Memos,” which is one of the reading resources for week 8. Step 1: Post your research report as a Word or rtf attachment (this is so a classmate can read it); Step 2: Choose a classmate’s research report and post a response telling him/her that you are reading his/her report – only 1 reader for each report, please; Step 3: Write a memo to tell the person whose report you have read that the company/community/etc. WILL NOT be implementing the recommended solution to the problem he/she has proposed. You will have to be creative in offering reasons why the solution cannot be implemented (money, opposition from stock holders, higher command or management, etc., are typical reasons for such decisions). Here is a helpful explanation of how to handle such a memo: Bad News Memos Post your memo as your second response to the person you have chosen. This exercise gives you practice in one of business/professional writing’s toughest tasks – saying no. Remember, try to follow the advice from “Writing a Bad News Message.” Saying no to a request is difficult, but with the strategies you’ll learn in the readings mentioned above, you’ll be able to convey the message effectively. Doing this should give you all the knowledge you need to give your classmate bad news. 🙂 Please note that you will not be able to see other students’ responses to this discussion topic until you post your response. You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads Discuss: final reflections on your executive summary Must post first. Your response to this discussion is due by this Sunday before midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). You are also asked to respond to at least one other student in the class on his or her response. Your response to your fellow student is due by next Tuesday before midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST). ____________ As you complete your final assignment, share your responses to a series of questions about the process of business writing and creating an executive summary. Provide feedback to your classmates’ thoughts. Please watch the short video linked to in Content for Week 8, “Video review of executive summary for WA#4.” Then answer the following questions. What is proportional length? In writing your report, did you find it challenging to keep your executive summary to proportional length? If so, what challenges did you encounter?Your answers can be a short paragraph for each question. To whom was your report addressed? Is this person or group of people likely to read your whole report? Or just the executive summary? Please explain your answer.Your answers can be a short paragraph for each question. What was your methodology in your report? You can review the video to re-visit how the methodology could be integrated into an executive summary. Tags: work environment executive summary leadership styles Business writing office manager User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.