Description Question Two Instructions: Read the case titled “Massachusetts General Hospital’s Pre-Admission Testing Area” by McCarty, Gallien, and Levi (2012). Analyze the case study by completing the following areas: Case summary Errors/Issues – discuss the errors, and/or issues that occurred Based upon the issues with the PATA department: Discuss operations research methods employed by the hospital. Where these the correct methods to use? Explain. If you were the medical director for the hospital, how would you approach the issue? What would be your recommendations/action plan? Requirements:Provide a detailed case analysis using APA format-title page, references and in-text citations.Submit the assignment in Blackboard as a Word document. Length requirement: minimum 500 words. This does not include the title page and reference list. Question 2 Instructions: Read the attached case study by Ton and Reavis (2017). Analyze the case study by completing the following areas: Case summary Problems/Issues Discuss how a performance scorecard would be useful for Quest Diagnostics or another tool for improving operations. What methods could they use to improve quality performance? If you were the CEO of Quest Diagnostics, how would you approach the issues? What would be your recommendations/action plan? Requirements: Provide a detailed case analysis using APA format-title page, references and in-text citations. Submit the assignment in Blackboard as a Word document. Length requirement: minimum 500 words. This does not include the title page and reference list. SafeAssign (check for plagiarism): Less than 15% match. 17-177.Quest Diagnostics A.Ton.pdf Tags: General Hospital overcrowding of patients anesthesiologist process several patients examination room User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.