Description Module 02 Course Project – Executive Summary Executive Summary The executive summary is a one-page summary of what to expect in your paper highlighting the main points of your proposal. It is the marketing piece of the project. You should use the executive summary as a tool to get the reader intrigued, so he or she wants to read your proposal to get more information. To engage the reader, identify the purpose and use appropriate tone and usage for the audience. Consider addressing the situation and your audience’s views fairly and respectfully. As you summarize, be sure to convey the understanding and scope of the proposal. Give a thorough explanation of the proposal, and highlight relevant research to support the main idea. Your executive summary should be written as a professional document and should include these headings: Purpose Problem Solution or Plan Conclusion Course Project Outline Helpful Hints: Purpose Statement: Remember this is 1-2 sentences telling your audience why you chose this topic and why it matters to you. Example: Purpose Statement: We have a huge feral cat problem in my city. These cats are killing native species of birds and rodents and are a general nuisance to the residents. My paper will discuss why this is an issue and how we can fix it. Problem: At this point, briefly talk about the problem you are researching. Remember these are not written in sentence format. They are brief and are not necessarily full sentences. Example: Problem: Feral Cat Our City, USA has had an increase in feral cats 1992- 500 known cats 2017- 5,000 known cats Consequence of overpopulation Increase in spread of cat disease Feline Leukemia Rabies cases Creative and Original Solution: Always bring in original solutions. If you are talking about stopping drunk driving, your solution should not be education because that is already being done. What is a NEW solution to the issue? Creative and Original Solution: Humanely trap all feral cats Talk with residents most affected my cats Draw up map Count cats Talk with Naturalists/Veterinarians Do for free? Talk to Vet students Get financial support from city and foundations SPCA? Zoos’? Gather Volunteers Trap Cats Conclusion: Wrap it up. Try to bring it all together. Conclusion: Feral Cats needs to be fixed to stop over breeding. Bring community together to gather/fix/release cats. Have vets check cats for contagious diseases 1 attachments Slide 1 of 1 attachment_1 attachment_1 UNFORMATTED ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Running head: Executive Summary Module 02 Course Project – Executive Summary Adriana Safe Rasmussen College COURSE#: G171/COM1388 Section 04 Communicating in Your Profession (5.5 Weeks) Online Plus – 2020 Spring Quarter Term 2 Michele Howerton-Vargas May 20, 2020 Executive Summary Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various causes of workplace issues and the effects of unresolved issues on the employees and the organization. Employees working together have different needs, wants, and values as well as expectations which result in conflicts. The differences can lead to positive outcomes such as cooperation, improvement and creativity but can also lead to dysfunctional conflicts that are destructive. When the workplace issues are left unsolved, they are not only demoralizing to the concerned individuals but also the co-workers and the organization. Problem Work is, at times, stressful and can have adverse effects on the daily life of an individual. Various factors result in job-related problems such as role conflicts, interpersonal problems, ethical dilemmas as well as job boredom, among others. Some of the workplace issues include harassment, discrimination, bullying, and performance issues, as well as low job satisfaction. When left unresolved, workplace issues can result in adverse effects not only to the employees but also to the company. Some of the adverse outcomes include mental illnesses, potential litigation and low productivity, among others. Solution The solution to workplace issues is psychotherapy, and there are different ways in which it can be useful. Psychotherapy can help to treat anxiety, depression, and mental illnesses that are job-related. Employees can be taught coping skills that are healthy by therapists necessary to manage job-related issues. Conclusion Workplace issues affect the daily life of individuals and can result in mental health problems as well as legal problems. Employees involved in these issues suffer from stress and anxiety, which in turn results in low performance and a decrease in job satisfaction. It is, therefore, essential to solving job-related issues to have a satisfying work life. Purchase answer to see full attachment Tags: executive summary Financial Support UNODC SPCA User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.