Description Week 6 Principles of Epidemiology APA Style Question Part 1 Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs Read the following article, Acupuncture lowering blood pressure for secondary prevention of stroke: a study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. The article reviews the use of alternative medicine as a treatment and prevention for stroke. After reading this week’s chapters and the article, address the following: Would statistics be helpful to convince patients at risk for stroke to try alternative medicine techniques? Why or why not? Support your ideas with citations and references, and use epidemiological terminology you learned this week. Use APA Style. In your peer replies, debate the efficacy of statistics for promoting alternative medicine techniques. Reference Du, Y. Z., Gao, X. X., Wang, C. T., Zheng, H. Z., Lei, Y., Wu, M. H., … Hu, C. X. (2017). Acupuncture lowering blood pressure for secondary prevention of stroke: A study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Trials, 18(1), 428. doi:10.1186/s13063-017-2171-5 Part 2 (Please Separate this part to a different Word Document) Week 6 Assignment: Framingham Heart Risk Calculator Table and Summary Application Paper Objective: To describe population differences in risk for cardiovascular disease Instructions: After reading the chapters assigned this week, review again the Framingham Heart Study in your text. (Please note the subheadings of age, gender, and race/ethnicity.) Access the Mayo Clinic Heart Disease Risk Calculator: Complete the heart risk calculator three times, each time choosing a person of a different age, gender, and ethnicity. Create a table of your results. Report the differences and similarities in the three individuals you chose, both in your table and in a written summary of each individual. Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style format. Each of your written summaries (3) should be 1/2–1 page in length. Include a title and reference list and use APA Style 7th Edition. Cite the heart risk calculator website. Tags: Alternative Medicine Principles of Epidemiology healthy diet prevention for stroke Numeric information User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.