Description Read the passage below and construct an essay which examines how the style and diction inform your understanding of the situation in the story. What literary devices have been used in the passage? Your analysis should take into consideration the descriptive imagery as well as hints that foreshadow the character’s future. Question 1 Read the passage below and construct an essay which examines how the style and diction inform your understanding of the situation in the story. What literary devices have been used in the passage? Your analysis should take into consideration the descriptive imagery as well as hints that foreshadow the character’s future. “The low white tents of the hospital were grouped around an old schoolhouse…In the foreground two ambulances interlocked wheels in the deep mud. The drivers were tossing the blame of it back and forth, gesticulating and berating, while from the ambulances, both crammed with wounded, there came an occasional groan. An interminable crowd of bandaged men were coming and going. Great numbers sat under the trees nursing heads or arms or legs…Sitting with his back against a tree a man with a face as gray as a new army blanket was serenely smoking a corncob pipe. The lieutenant wished to rush forward and inform him that he was dying. A busy surgeon was passing near the lieutenant [and] caught sight of the lieutenant’s arm, and his face at once changed. ‘Well, let’s have a look at it.’” Tags: symbolism sense of fear and panic lieutenant confidence and sympathy sense of hope User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.